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 Our Expertise:


            New ways to educate Catholics in traditional Catholic settings

                        -- at the college, high school, and primary school levels

                        -- advising, presentations, research

                        -- analysis of Catholic content of current academic and student                            affairs programs

                        -- positive approaches for improvement

                        -- sponsoring Catholic educational programs jointly with other                            Catholic institutions

            Re-animating parish culture

                        -- practical programs for parishes

                        -- advising and analysis of current programs

            Cultural analysis

                        -- the critical changes that have occurred in U.S. society and                            the Church

                        -- the types of changes in the Catholic culture necessary in the                            next twenty years

                        -- changes in the culture of Catholic hospitals and other                            Catholic organizations


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Upcoming Event:


Teachers in Catholic High Schools

Come to California, June 9-12, 2013


Marin Catholic High School (located just north of San Francisco) is hosting the fourth annual conference for teachers in Catholic high schools.  The program is designed for teachers interested in presenting Catholic religious themes that are related to the normal material they present in their high school classes. 


The two main topics that teachers, campus ministers, counselors, and administrators can sign up for this year are English Literature, which is the first track, and Science, with primary presenters in Biology and Physics.  Biology and Physics together constitute the second track.  There is also a third track especially for administrators, and this track is supplemental to the other two tracks.  That is, each person who enrolls should sign up for either the theology track or for the mathematics and psychology track.  Administrators attend one of these tracks as well as an additional one specifically designed for them.


The three-day seminar is specifically for high school teachers and administrators.  The goal is to offer the teachers religious material related to the regular courses they teach and also connected to the Catholic intellectual tradition.  The hope is that the teachers will find the material sufficient interesting and pertinent to their curriculum that they insert some of it into their regular classes.


Check out the Substantially Catholic link on the left and register online HERE.  Also take a look at the brochure (available HERE as a download) which contains short biographies of the presenters.  In late March a more detailed schedule of the sessions will be posted on this website.  The general outline of events is that the conference begins Sunday afternoon and the academic sessions are held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.


This year this is a special public presentation by Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J, of the Magis Institute, on Sunday evening, which seminar participants are invited to attend.