
Biggest challenge:
Weekly attendance at Eucharist
The nuns were excellent, but, with imagination and
training, laypeople do and can excel
The nuns were disciplinarians and discipline (for
children!) still plays a role in any good parish
New types of loving service engage more parishioners>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Pastoral Council Development Plan
A Parish Pastoral Council Development Plan will improve the
performance of particular PPCs in their work of investigating present parish
practice, reflecting on it, and making effective recommendations to the pastor.
As part of the plan, Dr. Morey and Fr. Piderit will first
request some basic information (minutes and committee structure, if there is
one) about how the council functions.
With the benefit of this information, they will then meet on site with
the pastor and PPC on three occasions.
In the first session, they will observe an actual parish council meeting
and talk to the pastor and PPC members about how the PPC actually
functions. The second session will be
an in-service workshop. As part of the
workshop Fr. Piderit and Dr. Morey will give feed-back on what is working well
and areas that require improvement.
They will then offer a variety of practical strategies that will improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of the PPC.
Finally, after the PPC has worked with the new strategies for a few
months, Fr. Piderit and Dr. Morey will return to once again to observe a parish
council meeting and make suggestions for fine-tuning the process.
The total cost for Parish Pastoral Council Development Plan
is $2,000 plus travel expenses.