
Biggest challenge:
Weekly attendance at Eucharist
The nuns were excellent, but, with imagination and
training, laypeople do and can excel
The nuns were disciplinarians and discipline (for
children!) still plays a role in any good parish
New types of loving service engage more parishioners>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Pastor Evaluation Plan
A pastor evaluation examines the performance of the pastor
in a particular parish. In general, it
assesses the pastor’s performance in three general areas: administration, team
leadership, and program development.
Other more particular areas of assessment can be developed in response
to the interests of a specific pastor or the needs of the local parish. Evaluations will also reflect the strategic
priorities outlined by the parish.
Dr. Morey and Fr. Piderit work with the pastor in tailoring
the evaluation. They also conduct the
evaluations and develop recommendations for the pastor that will encourage
further growth and development. It is
recommended that evaluations be conducted annually over a three year
period. This time frame allows a pastor
to set realistic goals, assess progress in meeting them, and get useful
Evaluation processes can be developed either for individual
pastors or for groups of three or four pastors whose parishes are reasonably
proximate to each other.
The total cost for a Pastor Evaluation for an individual
pastor is $600 plus travel expenses.
The cost for a group of pastors will be negotiated.