
Substantially Catholic Seminar at Marin Catholic High School 2013
For the Substantially
Catholic at Marin Catholic High School Brochure please, click HERE for download.

For faculty interested in sharing the Catholic intellectual
tradition in the regular classes in their major. Any high school teacher is welcome, even those who
do not teach at Catholic schools. In
addition, administrators both at the primary and secondary level are also
encouraged to attend. This three-day academic seminar is for faculty and administrators. It is structured to
allow significant personal contact between the expert presenters and
participants. The seminar is designed
primarily for faculty interested in addressing Catholic issues directly related
to their academic area of expertise. It
also has sessions that cater to administrators. The administrative sessions focus on practical ways to enhance
the Catholic mission that do not cause disruptive institutional stress. College faculty experts will offer multiple
presentations each day of the seminar for both faculty and administrators. The additional administrative sessions will
provide optional ways
for students to increase knowledge and commitment to the Catholic faith.
For more information about the upcoming seminar please, use the navigation links on your left.
Catholic at Marin Catholic High School Brochure is availble for download HERE